Agotamiento profesional docente
Estudio de caso de un colegio subvencionado de la comuna de Dalcahue, Chiloé
Professional teachers burnout, burnout, recognition, investigation-actionAbstract
This article describes an action-research in an educational context whose objective was to create an action plan based on training that raises awareness among the management team, owners and teachers about professional burnout, its repercussions and teacher recognition, to carry out measures that increase the sense of well-being in educators. For this, information was collected through surveys, interviews and then training was carried out for the target groups of the work, in order to create the action plan. As part of the main results, the management team's positive appreciation of the implementation process stands out, as well as an increase in the perception of well-being by teachers in the closing survey.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Juan Vargas Aguilar, Natalia González Orellana, Constanza Jensen Heresi
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