Added value of Technical and Vocational Institutions (TyT) in Bogota


  • Claudia Ovalle Universidad de Antioquia



higher education, standarized tests, HLM models, value added, technical education, Colombia


The SABER TyT test aims to provide an indicator of the added value of higher education institutions with technical and technological training programs (T & T). That is, it allows by statistical means to calculate the contribution of the T & T institution to the level of competence with which the student enters higher education. This is the change between the scores that each student obtained in the general competences in the SABER11 test (when finishing the high school education) and the scores in the SABER TyT tests at the end of the higher technical education. This change makes it possible to assess the contribution of each T & T institution to the general competencies of the students and facilitates comparisons between institutions, which are not reflected by other quality indices (i.e., accreditation) or average score in standardized tests.


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Author Biography

Claudia Ovalle, Universidad de Antioquia

Doctora en Educación UDEA. Psicóloga de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Magister en Educación de la Universidad de Pittsburgh. Experiencia en proyectos sociales, educativos e investigación; Evaluación y referentes de calidad educativa. Docente en Instituciones de educación Media y Superior.


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How to Cite

Ovalle, C. (2023). Added value of Technical and Vocational Institutions (TyT) in Bogota. Revista Realidad Educativa, 3(2), 97–120.



Educational Research