Framework for educational reflection: a methodological proposal


  • Natalia Asenjo Zapata Universidad Autónoma de Chile



reflective strategies, reflective practice, methodological proposal, public policy


The article aims to understand how different reflective strategies influenced a process of change of beliefs and teaching practices of four English teachers in Chile. This, to establish a methodological proposal of six reflective strategies to contribute to public policy since indications that allow to guide and accompany teacher reflection are not yet contemplated. The methodology uses a qualitative analysis based on what is proposed by the content analysis. The results show that the strategies worked differently in each of the participants, establishing four different change processes. In this way, it can be concluded that it is necessary to design an intervention that questions teachers through the use of different questions and reflective strategies, depending on the type of reflection that you want to promote.



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How to Cite

Asenjo Zapata, N. (2021). Framework for educational reflection: a methodological proposal. Revista Realidad Educativa, 1(1), 35–62.



Educational Research