Reflexive teaching practice as an applied research method in education




ICT, applied research, reflexive practice, teacher professional development, institutional ecosystem


This article discusses the concept of “reflexive practice” as an applied research method and teacher professional development (TPD) process in the context of the digital age. Drawing on the notions of Dewey and Freire, multiple scholars have extensively developed the concept in educational research and applied it to TPD. However, the articulation between the notion and digital technologies in teaching and learning has been insufficient. In recent years, reflexive practice seems to be treated in educational research from a narrow perspective. Likewise, TPD programs tend to offer isolated experiences that do not transcend the physical boundaries of one classroom or school context. This situation has led to an increasing gap between educational policies and the education professionals’ real-life teaching and learning experiences with pupils. In this sense, reflection as a TPD and applied research model on teacher professionalism can contribute to the continuous improvement of practices. It can also reduce the existing divorce between policy and practice mentioned above. To this end, it is proposed to move from bounded to holistic, dialogic, and collaborative reflexivity to increase teachers’ agency and safeguard learning within educational communities.

Author Biography

Angela Novoa Echaurren, Universidad de los Andes

Profesor Asistente en Universidad de los Andes, Chile. Recientemente, obtuvo el grado de Doctor en Educación, por University College London, Institute of Education. En 2012, alcanzó el grado de Master of Educational Technology, por University of British Columbia. Su carrera académica y profesional se ha enfocado en los campos de tecnología educativa, innovación pedagógica y desarrollo profesional docente. Ha colaborado en proyectos de investigación a nivel nacional e internacional que tratan sobre estos temas, aplicados a contextos de docencia escolar y superior.


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How to Cite

Novoa Echaurren, A. (2023). Reflexive teaching practice as an applied research method in education. Revista Realidad Educativa, 3(1), 24–45.



Educational Research